Tuesday, September 01, 2009

My Big One-Year-Old

Ellie had her first birthday on Sunday! I can't believe it's already been a year!

I let her open a present before church (earrings and bracelets). And of course the boys had to help her with EVERY present. They simply couldn't just sit back and wait.

After church we were lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa Hyde come and help her celebrate. We enjoyed some grilled chicken and shrimp, twice-baked potatoes, corn, and rolls. Ellie REALLY enjoyed her meal. :) Then we opened the rest of her presents. All I can say is I am destined to have a girly girl when she grows up if I continue to buy dolls and jewelry for her birthdays. :) It is so fun to do girly stuff with her after having the two boys. I guess, hopefully, the boys can keep her from becoming too girly. :)

As for the cake and ice cream, well, she wasn't quite sure about using her fingers. It was pretty messy, and apparently she just didn't want to get her hands all dirty. So she started just putting her face directly into the bowl. It was hilarious! Finally, I got her a spoon and she actually did pretty good at trying to feed herself with the spoon. By the end, though, she just wanted a bite and she just couldn't stand waiting until she had the spoon thing figured out. She picked up the cake and munched it down.

Happy First Birthday to my little girl!


Kim said...

She is absolutely beautiful! Can't believe she is one. The cake you made her is so fun.

Terry said...

Happy Birthday Ellie!!! A year goes so fast. You have such pretty blue eyes. Tell Mom she did a awesome job on the cake. Wow!! Keep up with the frilly stuff, she'll be tough enough to hold her own with two big brothers. :) Love you! Grandma B

Kayla said...

Happy late Birthday Sweet Cheeks. That picture with her sitting on the bed in her outfit is A.DOR.A.BLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa said...

She is so so cute!! Loved the pictures! Way to go on her cake...it turned out adorable!! How fun!

The Francis Family said...

Her birthday outfit is adorable and you got some great pics of her opening presents. I wish I was there for the dinner. The cake was very cute.