Saturday, November 20, 2010


I know I've blogged about this before. But there is a contest going on at and they are giving away 3 $50 gift cards. I really like their stuff (especially their hats and scarves)... Just wanted to let ya'll know.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Video Time

I have had a request to post more videos on my blog. So here we go... (mainly for grandparents; if you are not a grandparent and still watch them all - Good on ya) :)

(Preston had been pretending earlier about how when the blocks fell, they would go through a long process of falling down the stairs. This is Ellie copying him. "Cool trick! It fell off the wall, and on the step, and off the wall, and hit the wall, and hit the wall, and hit the wall, then down the stairs.")

(This was when Preston was doing the pretending. Ellie still wanted to be the one pretending)

(Ellie playing dead. So funny!)

(Ellie pouting.)

(We have started a tradition of playing a game on Sunday as a family. We have done Monopoly, Hide & Seek, and this last Sunday we played Yahtzee. It's been lots of fun and here is Preston rolling. He was on a team with Kaden. I loved how he would say, "I whoosh for a 6, I whoosh for a 6!")

(Kaden playing Yahtzee. He was so serious about rolling.)

(Ellie was being crazy! She got all wound up right before bed. And whenever she says that she loves someone, she'll say, "I like-a Mommy," etc. Funny.)

And as a side note... These videos took forever to upload so I hope there is somebody out there who is glad I posted them. :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Ok, so we all know that it's fairly unlikely that I will get caught up on the blog. I mean, I am 4 months behind on this thing. So I decided to just start anew.

Kaden has the opportunity to participate in Reflections. For those who don't know what this is... it challenges students to create art inspired by a specific theme. Each student can submit something in one of six arts areas - dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. They are judged, receive prizes, and (if they continue winning) move up the levels, eventually to the national level.

Anyway, Kaden decided he wanted to participate in the photography category for this contest. He was very excited about it and wanted to use my "nice" camera. So yesterday (Saturday) Danny showed him the basics of taking pictures and we walked around the yard with him as he took some really nice nature photos. The theme this year is "Together We Can". And the title of his finished project is "Together We Can Discover Nature". I am super proud of him! He did an amazing job with his pictures.

And HERE they are.

For those who don't go through the slideshow of pictures, this is the final product...