Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So, I'm sure most of you have heard of the big, long story of our house-hunting fiasco.  Anyway, we have found a place to rent and are moving in a week.  If anyone would like to help with the heavy stuff, we'll be moving it on the 24th or 25th.  We would certainly appreciate the help and possibly provide pizza as a reward.  :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We hope everyone had a lovely Easter Sunday! I thoroughly enjoyed our day. I did something new this year and we made Easter cookies on Saturday night. It was this great idea that I found online -

It turned out great. The cookies weren't the best tasting (especially since I used walnuts cause I didn't have pecans). But I think our kids - especially Kaden - actually understood the meaning of Easter. We tried really hard to make Easter centered around Christ this year. It made the whole day extremely enjoyable for me.

After church we tried to take pictures of the kids. Man, it's hard to get a good picture with three kids to work with! The one above is the best one we got.  You have to know, though, that it was the best out of 31 shots!  Here's the other 30 if anyone is interested...  :)

We also took a couple pictures of just Ellie in her Easter dress.  And of course we did an Easter egg hunt.  Then we got to see some friends and family as well and had to take pictures of Ellie with her cousin Karlee...

All in all, it was a great day.  I hope you had a great day too!


As you can see below, I was having fun with the camera as I took pictures of Ellie. The boys all left on Saturday (they had a boys day) and I was left behind with Ellie. It had been a while since I took pictures of her, so I went a little crazy. :-) Enjoy...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Interview with Kaden & Preston

Once again, this is for those of you who aren't on facebook....

What is something mom always says to you?
Kaden - “Stop doing that - When we’re in trouble or we’re doing something wrong.”
Preston - “Preston”

What makes mom happy?
Kaden - “When we don’t do stuff wrong and when we listen to you.”
Preston - “Jelly beans make you happy.” (I am not a huge fan of jelly beans)

What makes mom sad?
Kaden - “When you get hurt.”
Preston - “Sparkles make you sad and they make me sad.”

How does your mom make you laugh?
Kaden - “Tickles me.”
Preston - “Jumping beans.”

What did your mom like to do when she was a child?
Kaden - “I don’t even know cause I wasn’t even born. Maybe play on the playground.”
Preston - “To throw a big ball in a pile.”

How old is your mom?
Kaden - “28”
Preston - “6”

How tall is your mom?
Kaden - “I don’t know. I think 1 yard stick long. Thats what I think.”
Preston - “A little bit tall”

What is her favorite thing to watch on TV?
Kaden - “Mmmm, ‘24’?”
Preston - “Um, Spiderman”

What does your mom do when you’re not around?
Kaden - “Mmmm, exercise.”
Preston - “You just run around, and then you was sad”

What is your mom really good at?
Kaden - “Uh, Mmmm, you’re really good at exercising.”
Preston - “When I come back.” (?)

What is your mom not very good at?
Kaden - “Sports”
Preston - “When I leave.” (again, ?)

What does your mom do for her job?
Kaden - “Clean up and make us dinner.”
Preston - “When you work. You just work and be on the computer.”

What is your mom’s favorite food?
Kaden - “I think it is burritos” (Not likely)
Preston - “Jelly beans”

What makes you proud of your mom?
Kaden - “When you help me do my chores every saturday.”
Preston - “When the jelly beans was good.”

If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Kaden - “Spongebob.”
Preston - “Doctor. And then you got me an eyeball that looked like Kaden. But Kaden was a kid still.”

What do you and your mom do together?
Kaden - “We play together.”
Preston - “We do jump rope. That was when you was littler. And then you growed bigger and bigger. And then you was not a kid.”

How are you and your mom the same?
Kaden - “We both have white skin.”
Preston - “When we both was a kid.”

How are you and your mom different?
Kaden - “We don’t have the same color of eyes. You wear earrings and I don’t. You have long hair and I don’t.”
Preston - “When we just work on something and then we was different.”

How do you know your mom loves you?
Kaden - “Because she helps me when I’m hurt.”
Preston - “When we jump on the trampoline.”

What scares your mom?
Kaden - “When someone’s hiding and you don’t even know and then they pop out and scare you.”
Preston - “When I go upstairs.”

Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?
Kaden - “Taco Bell.” (Um, not really)
Preston - “When we go to the store.” (yeah, right!)

What is one thing you wish you could change about your mom?
Kaden - “That she would be a lot more nicer.”
Preston - “I want to change my mom into a witch.”

What would your mom do with a million dollars?
Kaden - “Spend it on things that she would want.”
Preston - “Go to my dentist so I could have a toy eyeball that sticks.” (Kaden got a sticky eyeball the last time he went to the dentist. Apparently Preston has been jealous ever since.)

What do you wish you could go and do with your mom?
Kaden - “Go to Jumping Jacks and play with you there.”
Preston - “Play with toys.”

What is one thing you hope never changes about your mom?
Kaden - “That she would always love me.”
Preston - “To be mom.”