Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Years Eve

We enjoyed New Years Eve and New Years Day with Danny's brothers and their families. We started out early the morning of the Eve and we played games all day at Justin and Megan's house. The kids LOVED playing with their cousins and the grown-ups LOVED playing ping pong. We spent the night there (after staying up 'til nearly 4 in the morning) and then went to Heber on New Years Day.

We went sledding on New Years day which was way fun. We went to Kim's (sister-in-law) parents unfinished cabin where they had a nice little hill for sledding. Her dad also had a fun little tracker on snowmobile tracks and we were pulled around behind that as well. Kaden loved the sledding and really loved playing with his cousin, Kinley. Preston really love playing on the "playground" with his cousin, Tanner and wouldn't stop eating the snow. It really was a blast until I ran into a port-a-potty. :)

Funny story, really. The hill was actually a road. On one side of the road was the edge of the hill which dropped with a steep decline - we stayed away from that. And on the right side at the bottom of the hill-road was a port-a-potty. Danny had built up a bank as to prevent anyone from hitting the thing. No one had hit it all day long and we were having a lot of fun.

The last run of the day, I took Preston up the road to go down one final time. On our way up, I said to Preston, "Should we go up higher so the ride lasts longer?" And, of course, he said, "Yes!" So we went up higher than we had all day long. Therefore, we went faster than we had all day long. Therefore, we jumped the bank that Danny had built and hit the port-a-potty going backwards (the tube always turned me around so I was going down backwards) going what seemed a million miles per hour.

I hurt my neck and back and had a pretty bad headache. Danny and his little bro, Matt, gave me a blessing a little later. Long story short, I've been recovering from what I think was a cracked floating rib for the past few weeks. But it seems much better now. :) And again, funny story now that I look back at it.

Here's some pics:

Christmas 2009

Our Christmas was really great! We made cookies on Christmas Eve and the boys really enjoyed that. I told Kaden that he was allowed to wake up early on Christmas morning 'cause I was sick of being the first one out of bed. :) So when they got ready for bed, Kaden told me he was for sure going to wake up really early. We also put Ellie's baby monitor in their bedroom so they could let us know when they woke up. We wanted them to wait to come downstairs until we were able to be ready to take pictures of them.

They went to bed at around 8:00 and by 9:30 we heard Kaden in the monitor whispering, "Dad, is it midnight yet? Can we come down yet? Has Santa come yet?" Of course he was sent back to bed. :)

Kaden forgot all about the monitor and came downstairs at about 6:00 Christmas morning. We were lucky that we woke up and I was able to stop him and send him back upstairs so that we could wake up Preston and Ellie. We got the kids and they all came downstairs together. Ellie wasn't quite sure why we had woken her up so early. Preston was excited about everything he saw and would have started opening every present he saw (whether it had his name or not) if we hadn't stopped him. And Kaden was really excited about his spongebob spinning toothbrush. :0) They finally spotted the robots from Santa and were super excited to play with them as well as the Nerf guns that were from me and Danny.

We enjoyed opening presents, played with toys, made a nice dinner, and ate Christmas dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Hyde and Uncle Wes. Weston stayed the night and we played games, games, and more games. Overall, it was a thoroughly enjoyable Christmas.

Oh, and one funny story is that after we got Ellie dressed that day, she wanted to put her new shoes on. She walked around in her new shoes for about an hour and loved the sound they made on the kitchen tile. She also kept walking to the garage door while waving her hand. She was so excited that she could walk with these shoes on and she just wanted to go bye-bye.

Ellie Walking

Yes, it has been forever since I posted. And yes, I have a ton of pictures to include in my updates. We'll start with Ellie. She is getting so big and so fun! I love this little sweetheart to pieces. She has the cutest little faces and she is totally a mommy's girl. She does love her daddy though. And she loves it when daddy comes home. Just last night when he came home, she ran around chasing him and laughing for about 5 minutes. She's so much fun.

I never posted pictures of her walking so here are some. Hope you enjoy...

One day Ellie grabbed my phone and walked around with it in her hand. She walked around and talked" on the phone for about a half hour. She wouldn't give me my phone back and she didn't want to stop. It was so cute!