Yesterday I was in the process of completing the big pajama pants sewathon for my kids. While I was doing this, my daughter apparently decided she was hungry. When I walked through the kitchen to show off my progress to Danny, I noticed Ellie sitting at the table with a pop tart on a plate... happy as a clam. Upon further inspection, I realized she had scooted the stool over to the counter (we have very high counters, so quite scary actually) climbed on top of the counter, grabbed herself a plate, got down, went into the pantry where she got herself a pop tart, put it onto the plate and sat up to eat.
Now, I know she loves pop tarts. She would eat them all day long if I let her... IF I let her! Now I have to keep my eyes on her, as she will just help herself whenever she wants. Sometimes I wish she was my little baby still. :)
Ha ha! Go, Ellie, that's so funny!!
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