Wednesday, December 01, 2010

What!?! No School???

One of the pros to us moving to the Boise area is that everyone we talked to said that the winters here are so mild. They all said that it might snow a little but that it usually melted by the next day.

Well yesterday it started to snow. And it snowed... and snowed... and snowed. I think it has only let up for a few minutes this afternoon and then started back up again.

So when we woke up to the announcement of "no school for Meridian School District", all I could say is, "mild, my bum." Oh well. I've lived with the snow my whole life, guess I'm just meant to live in the fluffy white stuff for the rest of it as well.

Our Back Yard:
Out The Front Door:


Kayla said...

I'm so glad you got snow! Makes me feel better about living in Iceberg.

Terry said...

I think that I'm ready to hybernate now. We had a really, reaaly good meal (Thanksgiving) and now way to much snow. If you don't hear from us until July you will know what happened. Ellie looks pleased with the fluffy stuff.
Let me know when the sun shine and the tulips are blooming.

Megan B ♥ said...

So much for global warming, eh?