All I have posted lately are pictures; but, that's all I've got lately. So sorry if you're wanting more informative stories... The pictures will have to do for now.
Monday was such a beautiful day here. Therefore, Kaden just wanted to ride his bike all day long. But with my pregnant belly, I didn't feel like running along with him while he figured out how to ride it without training wheels. Thus, I told him he needed to wait until his dad got home.
After waiting all day long to ask his dad for help, Kaden anxiously tried to ride a training wheel-less bicycle for the first time. He did it. He couldn't get started by himself, but with Danny's help he was able to figure out how to balance himself on a two-wheeled bike. And he only had a few falls - so just a couple of bumps, bruises, and scratches.
Tuesday, after school, he wanted to try again. So I decided that this time I could try to help him. He did so good! I only had to hold him up for a second when he started out. I thankfully didn't even have to run with him. And then he even started by himself a couple of times... Though that was still a challenge. But way to go Kaden! He did it!
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5 weeks ago
I love all the pictures. Makes the stories come more alive!
Way to go Kaden! That's super awesome! He sure did catch on fast!!!
Wow, that old already??!!! Too fast!! Time is passing way too fast! The pics are AWESOME, by the way!
Way to go Kaden. I am so embarrassed to say that our girls still don't know how to ride their bikes. Not because we haven't tried, but because they are too much of scaredy cats! You know how Isabel is. She fell once and now we can't get her to even try again. Maybe it will be different with Phillip when he gets older. I think boys are more adventurous.
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