Well, I did it! I planted my first garden. Let me reiterate that this is my first time gardening and I definitely do not have a green thumb. But, nonetheless, I finally have seeds in the ground.
The pictures aren’t much to look at; after all, it just looks like dirt. But I will be taking pictures throughout the summer to verify the progress (or non-progress) of my vegetables. I have planted tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, green beans, and watermelon (yes, I am trying watermelon – we will see how it turns out). This year I figure is kind of a test-run. I will hopefully be able to increase my knowledge and gardening abilities in the coming years.
Oh, and by the way, as you can see from the pictures I have not yet killed the flowers that I planted in the pots! Yes – I know it is extremely amazing that they are not all wilted and dead. But they are alive and well so far. Here’s to hoping!
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