So, I'm sure most of you have heard of the big, long story of our house-hunting fiasco. Anyway, we have found a place to rent and are moving in a week. If anyone would like to help with the heavy stuff, we'll be moving it on the 24th or 25th. We would certainly appreciate the help and possibly provide pizza as a reward. :)
Good luck with the move. Can I come help with the heavy stuff to put me in labor??? :)
Sorry we won't be around this time to help move. Adam's either going to Boise to his cousin's wedding that weekend or helping his sister move. As for me, I get to keep sitting on the couch like a beached whale!!!
Whooooooa! I bet Justin will be there!
I thought you guys were supposed to move Friday during the day so that we could help...whats up with that? If you decide to do it then let us know and we can help..other wise we'll be moving our stuff.
Wish we could help you guys out with the move! Good luck!! Let us know when you get all settled so we can come visit. :)
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