Monday, April 13, 2009

Interview with Kaden & Preston

Once again, this is for those of you who aren't on facebook....

What is something mom always says to you?
Kaden - “Stop doing that - When we’re in trouble or we’re doing something wrong.”
Preston - “Preston”

What makes mom happy?
Kaden - “When we don’t do stuff wrong and when we listen to you.”
Preston - “Jelly beans make you happy.” (I am not a huge fan of jelly beans)

What makes mom sad?
Kaden - “When you get hurt.”
Preston - “Sparkles make you sad and they make me sad.”

How does your mom make you laugh?
Kaden - “Tickles me.”
Preston - “Jumping beans.”

What did your mom like to do when she was a child?
Kaden - “I don’t even know cause I wasn’t even born. Maybe play on the playground.”
Preston - “To throw a big ball in a pile.”

How old is your mom?
Kaden - “28”
Preston - “6”

How tall is your mom?
Kaden - “I don’t know. I think 1 yard stick long. Thats what I think.”
Preston - “A little bit tall”

What is her favorite thing to watch on TV?
Kaden - “Mmmm, ‘24’?”
Preston - “Um, Spiderman”

What does your mom do when you’re not around?
Kaden - “Mmmm, exercise.”
Preston - “You just run around, and then you was sad”

What is your mom really good at?
Kaden - “Uh, Mmmm, you’re really good at exercising.”
Preston - “When I come back.” (?)

What is your mom not very good at?
Kaden - “Sports”
Preston - “When I leave.” (again, ?)

What does your mom do for her job?
Kaden - “Clean up and make us dinner.”
Preston - “When you work. You just work and be on the computer.”

What is your mom’s favorite food?
Kaden - “I think it is burritos” (Not likely)
Preston - “Jelly beans”

What makes you proud of your mom?
Kaden - “When you help me do my chores every saturday.”
Preston - “When the jelly beans was good.”

If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Kaden - “Spongebob.”
Preston - “Doctor. And then you got me an eyeball that looked like Kaden. But Kaden was a kid still.”

What do you and your mom do together?
Kaden - “We play together.”
Preston - “We do jump rope. That was when you was littler. And then you growed bigger and bigger. And then you was not a kid.”

How are you and your mom the same?
Kaden - “We both have white skin.”
Preston - “When we both was a kid.”

How are you and your mom different?
Kaden - “We don’t have the same color of eyes. You wear earrings and I don’t. You have long hair and I don’t.”
Preston - “When we just work on something and then we was different.”

How do you know your mom loves you?
Kaden - “Because she helps me when I’m hurt.”
Preston - “When we jump on the trampoline.”

What scares your mom?
Kaden - “When someone’s hiding and you don’t even know and then they pop out and scare you.”
Preston - “When I go upstairs.”

Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?
Kaden - “Taco Bell.” (Um, not really)
Preston - “When we go to the store.” (yeah, right!)

What is one thing you wish you could change about your mom?
Kaden - “That she would be a lot more nicer.”
Preston - “I want to change my mom into a witch.”

What would your mom do with a million dollars?
Kaden - “Spend it on things that she would want.”
Preston - “Go to my dentist so I could have a toy eyeball that sticks.” (Kaden got a sticky eyeball the last time he went to the dentist. Apparently Preston has been jealous ever since.)

What do you wish you could go and do with your mom?
Kaden - “Go to Jumping Jacks and play with you there.”
Preston - “Play with toys.”

What is one thing you hope never changes about your mom?
Kaden - “That she would always love me.”
Preston - “To be mom.”


VA Bradshaws said...

oh you did put it on your blog. i still think this is so funny. kids say the darnest things.

Kayla said...

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Love it!

The Francis Family said...

The tall as a yardstick answer is so funny. They are all so cute and funny. I will have to copy this idea for Grace.