Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother's Day

Moving has it's drawbacks, like not being able to keep up with things - including a blog.  But I really had to sit down and write this one.

There are a lot of women out there that are special to me and I want to wish them all a Happy Mother's Day!  Especially to my mom and Danny's mom.  We love you both so very much and continue to be grateful for every moment that you have given to our behalf.  You both have done so much for us.

My mom sent me a WONDERFUL new book for Mother's Day (thank you, mom).  And I started reading it last night.  I really needed the messages in the book.  It is called "Contentment; Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers" by Maria Covey Cole.  I wanted to quote a couple of things from the book:

"As daughters of God, when we acknowledge His goodness and mercy in our lives, accept that life is not meant to be easy, and learn that motherhood is, by divine design, difficult and testing, we will truly be content with the things the Lord has allotted to us."

"If we work upon marble, it will perish.  If we work upon brass, time will efface it.  If we rear temples, they will crumble into the dust.  But if we work upon immortal minds, and instill into them just principles, we are then engraving on the tablet that which no time will efface, but will brighten and brighten to all eternity." (-Daniel Webster, as quoted in Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families)

And, one of my favorites:

"I have come to understand that the echo of eternity is found in each and every human being and in the interactions between human beings, and that we must not allow these small yet significant moments to pass by without valuing them.  That is why I treasure holding my newborn babies, delight in chasing my toddlers around the house, prize going on Sunday walks with my middle children, and relish spending time with my teenagers.  All of these simple, ordinary moments of daily life are precious and are to be savored.  And for a mother, this is where true contentment is ultimately found."

I love being a mom!  I find so much joy in the simple moments of my boys snuggling up to me while we watch a movie.  I love it when Preston runs up to me and gives me a hug and says, "Mom, you are awake!"  I love the little talks that I get to share with Kaden as I take him to and from school now.  I absolutely adore my little girl; trying to make her giggle, going in to her grinning face after a nap, and holding her when she just needs to be held.  I find contentment in knowing that my children love me and they know I love them.  In my opinion, this is what motherhood is about.  And I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a mom and spend time with my children each and every day.


VA Bradshaws said...

Can't say I know what it feels like to be a mom or anything. . . But secretly I get much of the same pleasure from my little girl. . . She is everything to me, and from that I can relate. What we be like without our wonderful moms.