I don't even know how to begin catching everyone up on my life, so I'll just start writing...
I booked our trip to the east coast. I am SOOOO excited!!!! Some friends decided that they would be able to join us so we get to enjoy the journey together. DC, NY, Boston, the coast of Maine - Since Danny and I haven't been on a REAL vacation since before Kaden was born, this is going to be a TREAT!!!! (Can you tell how excited I am with the use of exclamation points?) :) June 2-12 we will be enjoying a kid-free 10 days!
Kaden finished up his basketball "season" yesterday. He really loved going every Monday. He started to get a lot better and we will try to keep up with practicing that sport, since it is Danny's favorite one to play. Maybe we'll have to try out football too since it's Danny's favorite sport to watch. :) We actually got him a basketball and football for Christmas. I went out the other day with him to play football and he really liked trying to catch the ball when I kicked it to him. Maybe he'll be a receiver? :)
Preston is trying to grow up. He is starting to pronounce words much better. He used to say his name was "Meston" and now he says it's "Prrrrreston". He is also starting to be able to say Kaden better than "Tayen". He still has a hard time with his K's though. He has also become quite the little rugrat. He is so hyper and loud most of the time. His favorite thing to do lately is jump into the room and yell "SURPRISE". It's great fun unless Ellie's asleep.
Ellie is still the best baby ever! She sleeps like a dream, eats like a pig, and laughs every now and then. We have a ton of fun with her. She LOVES her daddy and he tries to keep a secret how much he REALLY enjoys her. But I can see right through his disguise - especially when I sneak a peek while he is changing her diaper. It's so fun to watch him with her! He acts a lot different with her than he did with the boys. Fun!
Other than that I have been trying to exercise every day - which I have been pretty successful at, other than having a minor pulled muscle; I have tried a few new recipes - some that were good (like homemade granola bars), some that were not so good; I have tried to keep up with the laundry and housework - any mom can attest to how fun and impossible those tasks are; and I have actually started to have a life outside of my family - I have a friend who has come over to "play" with me a lot the past couple of weeks. :)
In other big news, my sister now has a little baby boy! Beautiful little baby Noah Edward Wright was born last Friday and Jill & Spencer were able to take him home yesterday (Monday). I have been giving them a little space in order to let them bond with there precious little one. I am so anxious to meet him though.
Life seems a big blur sometimes and the past few weeks deserve that title. I keep going from one day to the next trying to figure out what happened to my big plans of cleaning the house or cooking a grandiose meal. The past few weeks I have tried to REALLY enjoy my kids, and I guess that is what we're supposed to do, right? The house can be cleaned tomorrow, the laundry can wait another day, and we can have another easy pasta meal tonight as long as I spent some "quality" time with my kids... At least that's what I try to tell myself! But laundry can only wait so long before your 1st grader REALLY needs some clean pants to go to school in! :-)
20 Valentines Day Gift Ideas & Homemade Cards
5 weeks ago
mardie-your blog is super cute! i love the new family picture. we really need to hang out sometime when you have the time. or have a game night or something! we miss you guys.
That's awesome that you two are getting away. I'm jealous - but you DEFINITELY deserve it!!! It's nice to hear an update - everyday I wish that we were still neighbors. And good job on the exercising. I bet you're looking HOT!!!!
Yay for trips to the east coast! We want to get there some time. Major congrats to Jill and Spencer, that is so awesome! Sounds like busy times in your house!
I second my wife's proposal, maybe more towards the latter as I just don't see us hanging out you know shopping together or what not, but there is only 6 weeks till we move an hour away instead of half an hour (not that that will change anything) but doesn't hurt to use it is additional motivation.
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