I have to write this story down before I forget it, so...
About a week ago I was trying desperately to get Preston in bed and to stay in bed. Danny was gone to his brother's house and therefore I was on my own to get the little stinker to cooperate. He kept getting up, coming upstairs, and telling me that Kaden was bugging him (which from experience I know that Kaden was not doing the bugging - more likely the other way around). I finally went downstairs, tucked him in bed, and told him that he really needed to stay in his bed so that sleep could make his body stronger. He then told me that his heart hurt. To which I said, "that is why you need to go to sleep... so you're body can get better." I left the room thinking it was over and that he would finally go back to sleep.
A few minutes later he made his way upstairs. This was our conversation...
Preston: "Mom, my heart and bones hurt."
Mom: "Preston, you need to get back in bed and stay in bed."
Preston: "But, mom, my heart and bones hurt. My life is just ruined!"
Mom (through a smile that was beginning to show): "Preston, you need to get back in bed and go to sleep"
Preston: "Mom! My life is GONE!"
Mom (trying so hard not to giggle): "We'll find it tomorrow."
Preston (By this time he had figured out that it was buying him more time): "My life is easy. But now my life is gone..." (with frowny face and all)
Mom (giggles starting to come out): "Preston, you need to go back to bed."
Preston: "My life is gone... Today it is gone and tomorrow it is gone and maybe Saturday my life will come back."
Mom: "Preston, go to bed."
Preston: "But, MOM, we NEED to figure out my life!"
Mom: "We will figure it out tomorrow, now go to bed."
Preston (while sporting a very disappointed face): "OK, we'll figure it out tomorrow... (sigh)"
The things that kid will come up with next! I don't know where it came from or how he comes up with these ideas, but he continues to amuse me with his highly active imagination! He has brought up his "life" a few times since. Once it was with Kaden and Kaden explained that if his life was gone then he would be dead. That helped, I guess, cause from then on Preston says, "mom, my life is back. I'm not dead!" :)