Wednesday, March 09, 2011

PineWood Derby Results

Kaden participated in the pinewood derby in scouts yesterday. He and Danny had worked on his car for about 2 weeks - with a little help from my dad over the weekend.

Danny was unable to attend the derby as he is out of town until tomorrow night. So he had me record every single race that Kaden's car was in (8 total). Again, this is for Danny's benefit...

Race #1 (1st place):

Race #2 (1st place):

Race #3 (2nd place):

Race #4 (3rd place):

He accidentally dropped his car at the beginning of this race. Oops!

Race #5 (2nd place):

Race #6 (1st place):

Race #7 (1st place):

The racing ramp was all electronic. The computer had a glitch on this race and they had to race again.

Race #8 (1st place):

He ended up getting 6th place overall. He also received an award naming him the Dark Knight.

He had so much fun and I wish Danny could have been here to enjoy it with us. There's always next year, I guess.


Kayla said...

I so remember my parents helping my brothers make their cars. I don't have to ever worry about any of this -- I guess unless this baby turns out to be a boy!

Good job Kaden!

Terry said...

Yay Kaden!! Good job there Mr. Dark Night pretty sharp kid and car. I'm so glad that you took movies for more than just for Danny.

Looks like the science of pinewood deby cars is in good hands. :)