Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ellie Got Her Ears Pierced! 7/6/09

While we were in Phoenix, I decided to take Ellie and get her ears pierced. She did cry, but only for about 30 seconds... and then she laughed. She was such a trooper!

A funny (and somewhat annoying) story: Some random old lady tapped on the glass while we were preparing to pierce her ears. She asked me if I was getting her (she pointed to Ellie) ears pierced and I nodded yes. She gave me a dirty look like I was the worst mom on the planet! I tried to ignore her and we continued with the preparations. She meandered into the store to watch as we did the actual piercing. And as soon as Ellie started to cry, she said, "And those are real tears, too!" with a hugely annoyed tone. Then she walked away. Oh, how I wish she would have stayed for 25 more seconds to see Ellie giggle!


VA Bradshaws said...

she's a beauty! i love her so much!the earrings are so cute!

Kayla said...

She is so cute! I can't hardly believe she's almost one!