This summer has been so extremely busy (as shown by previous posts), but we've enjoyed just a little down time.
But first there are pictures of a super fun camping trip we took at the beginning of August. We enjoyed sleeping outdoors in the tent and all the kids loved it. I was surprised at how well Ellie handled the whole camping trip. She's such a trooper. And then in the morning, as we were getting ready to leave, our car wouldn't start. We were nowhere near any other campers, up at the top of Heber Mountain, and we had no cell phone service. We decided to say a round of prayers. Preston started by saying his prayer that he was grateful we had not been eaten by bugs. :) Kaden continued with a wonderful prayer about being grateful we could spend time as a family and praying we could make it home.
After we said our prayers, Danny and Kaden walked down to the "main" road. Within a few minutes a very nice gentleman came and offered to take us all down the mountain and into Heber (he didn't have any jumper cables). We accepted his offer and found out that he was lost trying to find his stake's girls camp area. We also found out later that he was on the totally wrong road. I really believe he was on that road for a purpose - to help the Bradshaws find their way home.
Anyway, we ended up seeing a group gathered for a pioneer trek just a couple of miles down the road and they had some jumper cables. We didn't end up driving all the way back to Heber, so we were grateful for that as well. What a blessing prayer is in our lives!
During our "down-time" this summer, the boys enjoyed the xbox and computer games. I think I'm raising a couple of real "gamers". And for Ellie... She's just happy with eating, sleeping, and an occasional bath. :)