I was tagged in Facebook for this and since I know that some of you don't have a Facebook profile, I am posting it here too. Enjoy... (I won't tag anyone but if you do this on your blog, let me know so I can see!)
1. I feel lucky that my husband is truly my best friend. Our marriage has been an amazing 10 years!
2. I like video games... especially the old-school ones like Mario and Tetris. I even enjoy watching my husband play his video games and telling him that he missed something. :)
3. You may have heard of people with a sweet tooth, but I think I have the sweetest. I made 2 batches of brownies last week and am going to make carmel brownie cookies today. Really bad for my diet, but life is for enjoying, right? At least that's what I tell myself after eating the whole batch. :)
4. I was absolutely addicted to ice for about 3 years. I couldn't get enough of it from the beginning of my second pregnancy through my third pregnancy. Then after having Ellie, the craving suddenly stopped. I wish it would come back though because that is a better craving for me than my brownies!
5. I never used to like reading at all. I was the person that when a book was suggested to me, I would pretty much roll my eyes and say that I would wait to see if it came out on video. :) Now, though, I can't get enough. I love books!!!
6. Twilight was the first book (other than religious fictional books) that I read and loved! It opened up a whole new world for me in reading. (It's not just a teenage-girl book, right?)
7. I have the best family in the world! Between my siblings and parents and even my in-laws, they are AWESOME! I am so excited when I get to hang out with any of them!
8. I LOVE to digital scrapbook and I just wish I had more time to do it!
9. I like cooking for other people, just not my own family. When it's my family it seems like a chore. When I cook for other people, though, it feels more like an occasion than a daily chore.
10. I have many pet-peeves and one of my biggest is when the toilet paper is on the spool the wrong way. It is supposed to go over the top so you can find the end!
11. Many people dislike doing the laundry, but I don't mind... I just HATE folding socks!!!
12. I used to not mind a messy home, but now I can't stand it. I think my husband has turned me into a clean-freak.
13. I love being a mom. I really do! I just don't like cleaning up after bodily functions... especially when the one I am cleaning up after is over 3 years of age! That includes cleaning the toilets after the boys used it.
14. I find the most joy and peace when I am living the precepts of the gospel.
15. I love being in shape but hate the process. (Again, look at number 3)
16. I have a specific way to load the dishwasher. I'm not as anal about it as I once was, but I still sometimes rearrange things after my husband does the dishes.
17. Having a girl has been bad on my finances. Girl clothes are just way too fun to shop for.
18. I still wonder why I have a facebook profile. I mean, isn't a blog enough anymore? :)
19. I wish all my sisters lived just down the street so I could see them more often. (that does include sisters-in-law)
20. I have a really sensitive nose. Danny makes fun of me, saying that he has to brush his teeth twice, rinse with mouthwash, and still put a mint in for me to kiss him. I swear that's not true, but it's nice when he does. :)
21. I want to travel the world and hopefully we will be in a financial position to do so someday.
22. I love motorcycles and am not scared at all of my husband owning one. I just wish I could ride with him more. (Darn kids) :)
23. I am like my sister in that I do not like pain, but I love paintball. What is that about?
24. I am a shy person but love to have friends. Sometimes I find it hard to make new friends because of my shyness. It's pretty frustrating!
25. Me and Danny are planning a trip to the East Coast this summer for our 10-year anniversary. I have never been back there and I am super excited!