Well, I guess I had better catch you all up on our life. I know it has been a long time and for good reasons. We have been extremely busy with life! We finished the basement, Danny took a business trip to California for a week, Kaden started the first grade, Preston is now potty trained (yippee), and of course - WE HAD ELLIE M BRADSHAW!
She was born on Saturday, August 30th. She weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs 2 oz. She was 20 inches long. And she is absolutely beautiful.
It was a fairly difficult delivery. She was face up and the doctor tried multiple times to turn her to no avail. The epidural was a little iffy at first, then they overdosed me, then it wore off too early... A little painful and difficult. But one of the first things I said after getting to hold my wonderful little girl is that it's amazing that no matter how difficult, it is still so incrediby worth it in the end. She is already my little angel and she definitely has Danny wrapped around her little finger. :)
Now for pictures... I will start off with Ellie and work backwards.
This is Preston being potty trained. (Am I a bad mom for taking pictures of this? :)
And, lastly, this is Kaden and his 1st grade experience. We met the teacher and found his class the day before school started. Then he wanted to ride the bus because he is now a big boy. They grow up way too fast.
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5 weeks ago
Oh I'm just so happy for you and Danny! Yeah for baby Ellie (I gotta say I love that name!). I'm gonna call you someday, and hopefully catch you when you're not taking a cat nap. I love you and miss you all so so so so so much!!! I absolutely cannot WAIT to meet Ellie!
So glad she made it safely! Congratulations to all of you on all the major happenings over the last few months! Hurray! Maybe things will settle down now, LOL?
You guys shouldn't feel bad at all, I mean you have been busy HAVING A BABY! We are so exited for you. Hopefully we'll find some time in the next little while to wander over to your place to see the new addition.
Thanks for the update! Ellie is BEAUTIFUL!! and I love her name! So cute!! I'm glad things are going well and you got Preston all potty trained before she came. perfect! Keep in touch and post more pictures of your little girl!
Ellie is beautiful!! I can't wait to see her.
You should write a book on potty training.
Isn't it hard to watch them drive away on a bus! I love it and hate it all at the same time.
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