Last Tuesday I was at baseball practice with Kaden (see previous post) when I got a phone call from Danny. He said, "Ellie's had an accident, I think it needs stitches, it's on her head." My mind, of course, started spinning with the possibilities of serious injuries occurring on a 2 year old's head. I realized that I had seen our pediatrician working on his lawn when I had left for baseball (he happens to be our neighbor), and told Danny to have Dr. Smith take a look at her while I grabbed Kaden and ran home (I had the car).
By the time I got home Danny had taken her to the Smith's home and got the second opinion that it did indeed need stitches or glue and that the gash (yes, gash) needed to be cleaned. So we took her in to the Urgent Care and they were able to glue her back together.
Now for the story - She slipped on a dvd case that was laying on our hardwood floor and she fell head first into the corner of our bookcase that's in the office. She had a big, deep gash on her forehead that was down to the bone and completely split open. I had a hard time looking at it. She was very brave and only cried when she was scared of the doctor.
here for pictures - they don't do the wound justice, but they are still a little gory so beware. And they aren't the best pictures cause they were taken with my phone - but, it is what it is. :)
She is now healing and it's been a week so we will be taking the tape off soon. Life is full of incidents, and I'm glad this one wasn't more serious. It could have been a lot worse (like if she had hit a couple inches lower on her eye! Yikes!)