Well, I know I have a TON of pictures to show off. (~Yes I understand that blogs - for the most part - are just for showing off your kids :) ~) We had a super busy December and we had a wonderful Christmas season. But let's start from the beginning...
Ellie is getting so big! Time goes by so fast and the kids just continue to grow - especially when they are from 0 to 12 months I guess. But I am enjoying her so much. She has recently discovered her voice and is making little squealing sounds that neither of the boys ever made. She smiles and laughs all the time now. She is the BEST sleeper ever! She is always so content. And she is becoming more and more separated from the boys as she continues to grasp her girly nature. We love her so much!
The boys definitely have enjoyed the snow so far this season. From having a snowball fight in the beginning snow fall to enjoying sledding with their dad in windy Idaho. They have gotten a lot of use out of their snow boots.
We made sugar cookies on Christmas Eve. The boys REALLY enjoyed that! They were supposedly going to be for "Santa" but we forgot to set them out for him that night... Oops! :) It was fun nonetheless.
We all got to talk to my brother Wes on Christmas Eve as well. He is in Japan on his mission and he sounds so good. I couldn't stop smiling after I got off the phone with him. It was just so good to talk to him.
Christmas was extremely enjoyable! The boys truly loved the whole day, including eating dinner and playing with their cousins.
New Years Eve was AWESOME!!! My wonderfully amazing sister put on a Vegas-themed murder mystery and it was one of the funnest things I've ever done. My role was that of the floozy cocktail waitress and Danny was the bartender. My whole family got into it and I haven't laughed that hard in a while. We also had a poker tournament (how can you have a Vegas-themed night and not have poker?) And guess who won the jackpot? Yep, you're right... I actually even beat my dad at Texas Hold 'Em! Tons of fun!
Then the next day - New Years Day - we took our new paintball guns out for the first time. We had so much fun with my family! Thanks a ton again to Tresa and Chet for hosting a wonderful couple of days!
Then on Friday we had a game night with Danny's family, complete with all the food you could imagine. I think I gained all of the baby-weight back that I had lost after Ellie. It has been an extremely food-filled and fun holiday season.
Anyway, that's our last month shortened for all of you to read. Hope you had a wonderful holiday season as well!