It has been a while since I sat down to work on my blog. In fact, it has been a while since I even looked at others’ blogs. As most of you know, my sister-in-law, Megan, gave premature birth to her twin boys. Dex received his body then went back to be with Heavenly Father again; and Crew is at Primary Children’s Medical Center right now trying to get strong enough to come back to UVRMC’s NICU.
Throughout the past couple of weeks I have gone through an array of emotions. It has just taken me a while to sort through my feelings enough to deal with them as well as read other people's emotions on the matter. Let alone being able to sit down and write about them.
I guess what it all boils down to is that I love my family! I am so grateful for having them in my life and being linked to them for all eternity. I’m not just talking about my wonderful sweetheart Danny and my three beautiful and wonderful children. The family that surrounds me in this life are the greatest examples to me...
Parents: I have two amazing sets of parents who have taught Danny and I right and wrong. They have ALWAYS been there whenever we needed them and have sacrificed so much for our behalf. I could say they are the most loving and giving people on the planet.
Traci and Rick: Strong family values and very, very talented in many, many ways. My sister is a wonderful homemaker and I always wanted to be just like her when I became a mommy.
Tresa and Chet: The funnest people to hang around! No matter what we are doing, it is always fun when it’s with them. I also look up to Tresa and the strong testimony she has.
Jodi and Felipe: The most kind-hearted and giving people. I could go on and on about their many kindnesses and the great friends they are to me. I love to just talk to Jodi and enjoy the wonderful spirit that she exudes.
Jill and Spencer: Amazing, giving, and wonderful family values. They are a complete combination of all of the above. Family-oriented, fun, kind, giving - all words that would describe Jill.
Weston: Great missionary! He has been blessed with all of the traits listed above as well - maybe due to having 5 sisters. :) I miss him so much, and am so proud of all he is doing for the Japanese people.
Justin and Megan: Where do I begin... They amaze me! Their strength astounds me! Megan is outgoing and fun and super strong in the gospel. Justin is a great friend and an amazing husband and father.
Kayla and Adam: They also are the most giving people. They would give you the shirts off their backs if you needed them. Adam drove our Uhaul truck to Las Vegas for us - as a favor... What more can I say?
Matt and Kim: Spiritual, funny, strong, and giving. I love ‘em both to pieces! Matt worries needlessly about EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and therefore would be there for you at the drop of a hat. I love to hear his testimony, too.
I didn’t sit down expecting to write all of that... But it is how I feel. I have been blessed with the most amazing family members in the world and as I have observed them I can’t help but realize what a great blessing the gospel is. We DO have the opportunity to be an eternal family. When someone goes back to our Father in Heaven, we WILL have the opportunity to see that person again. How grateful I am for these people as they witness to me of this truth. I love you all!