Has it really been that long since I posted on my blog? Wow! Time flies!
What have I been up to? Between being sick, exhausted, and trying to do
some fun things with my kids during these months that are called summer, we have been painstakingly trying to get ready to introduce this little girl into our family. Number one priority right now is to finish our basement. Danny has done all of the work thus far and we are starting to make progress. But I didn't truly have a sense of appreciation for all that Danny has done until this past weekend... We hung the sheet rock. (Yes, I said
It started on Thursday. Danny worked on the computer most of the day until about 3:00 and then we started hanging the ceiling pieces. Yes, I'm basically 8 months pregnant and I held up one side of the sheet rock while Danny screwed in his side then he would come relieve me. It started out as being pretty funny. Who in their right mind would help their husband hang sheet rock while 8 months prego? I guess the answer to that question is a pregnant woman who is REALLY motivated to get their basement finished. :)
Well, then we ran into some problems. One of the ceiling joists was bent or something - basically there was nothing there to screw the sheet rock into and it was at the very edge of the piece of sheet rock. We ended up having to take it down and Danny had to nail up a two by four in order to have some support for the sheet rock. The problem came when after nailing the two by four, we noticed water leaking from the ceiling. Because of the insulation Danny couldn't see the water pipe on the other side of the joist. He accidentally punctured the main water pipe when using his nail gun. Ooops!
So we had to take a detour. After calling all plumbers in a 20 mile radius, we found one able to come and fix it within about two hours. So we got the kids fed, bathed, and to bed and went back to work on the basement. We finally gave up around 10:00, cleaned up the house a little, showered, and went to bed.
Friday I woke up a little sore, but not too bad. And I was still quite anxious about the basement getting finished. We got the kids fed, dressed and told Kaden that he needed to be a "big-boy babysitter" for us. (Which he did pretty good for being a six year-old.) Danny and I ended up spending all day down in the basement (with an occasional trip upstairs to tend to the kids) and we were able to finish the ceiling.
Saturday I woke up quite sore. But after seeing how hard Danny works on our basement, I wasn't about to let him do it alone! I slowly crawled out of bed, ate breakfast, fed the kids, and once again asked Kaden if he could be a big helper again. We made our way down to the basement and started on the walls. At around noon, Danny's brother Justin was nice enough to come help us! It was so nice to have someone else lift the heavy stuff with Danny while I just measured and cut the sheet rock. By the time we ended on Saturday, we were about half done with the walls, and our feet, legs, backs, necks, and arms were killing us (or at least mine were).
Sunday was a welcome relief. We actually sat around and relaxed the whole day. Sadly and regretfully we stayed home from church - yes we are bad examples! But it sure felt good to relax the WHOLE day!
And now we come to yesterday... Danny woke up at the usual weekday time and got ready for work. After eating breakfast he came back upstairs and told me he was thinking about staying home one more day so that we could finish the sheet rock. I was torn! I was really looking forward to a day in which I could put our house back together, but I REALLY wanted to be done with the sheet rock! So we did as before, leaving Kaden and Preston to the TV/Xbox/Wii to entertain them, and went back to work.
Now, I have to pause by saying that on Sunday night I went to bed feeling sick to my stomach. So when we started the work yesterday, I was still a little queasy. Then it got a little worse. Then I got light-headed - I felt like I was going to black out. Then I got a super bad bloody nose - the kind that drips like a faucet. Needless to say, I needed a break so I went upstairs and lay down for an hour or so. Danny stayed downstairs hard at work.
After about an hour I felt MUCH better so I slowly got back into pace with Danny. I measured and cut all the pieces. We would put them in place and he would finish screwing in that piece while I started measuring and cutting the next piece. We actually had a great system going. And we FINALLY finished around 8:00 last night. And let me tell you, as soon as we finished (and my body realized we were finished), my whole body ached worse than I could imagine. And we hadn't even eaten yet.
So after being very neglectful parents, working as hard as I could imagine while being 8 months pregnant, and feeling like I couldn't move even my little toe without being in pain, WE DID IT! We have officially finished the sheet rock in our basement.
I have to say that not only do I feel such a sense of accomplishment in what we did, but even more, I feel a huge sense of gratitude for my wonderful hubby. Not only was he so sweet with me (every 2 minutes asking me if I was ok and trying to take most of the weight on himself so that I didn't have to); but he also is so motivated to learn how to do things himself and he works so hard to do them. He taught himself all that he knows about construction work - which is quite a bit!
Again, Danny has done everything in our basement so far. He did the framing, electrical work, HVAC, and insulation. Doing the sheet rock with him made me realize how hard he has worked just on our basement. What an amazing person I am married to!
I am also very grateful for the time that I had to spend with Danny while we worked. Even though it was truly laborious work, I wouldn't give up the one-on-one time that we had together. I really love him with all of my heart! He really is my best friend!