...but at least we should give an update.
Mardie and I are going through some redecoration pains. Mardie decided our kitchen was a little too drab for her tastes, and so we now have a rustish color kitchen. The kitchen looks great, however the kitchen is attached to this massively long wall (longest continuous wall in the whole house), which is now also a rustish color. This would be okay if it wasn't for the lack of appropriate decorations to cover said wall. Oh well. We'll eventually add some crown molding as well to help spruce things up.
Kaden registers for kindergarten tommorrow. His 5th birthday is on Sunday. Wow! Where has the time gone? Preston is also sneaking up on his 2nd birthday. Before we know it, they'll be asking for the keys to the car.
Speaking of the car. My old buick wouldn't start this morning. Grr. This would be okay if I hadn't just spent an arm and a leg getting my motorcycle running after the long, cold winter. Maybe I'll donate it to the kidney foundation. :)
Mardie is working these days at the same day care/preschool that the kids go to. They originally started going to day care when Mardie went back to work at BYU, but when she gave that up, she started working at the day care. She seems to like it since we can have the extra cash flow, plus be there when Kaden falls and hurts himself on the playground.
Mardie is also going on (or is she past?) her sixth month without a migraine headache. For those of you who didn't know, last year she had a device put into her heart that plugged a birth-defect hole. This hole would allow "used" blood into both chambers of her heart, thus allowing "used" blood into her brain, thus causing migraines and "mini" strokes. For those of you who have migraines that cannot be controlled by medication should look into this procedure. It's certainly saved Mardie and I.
As far as myself, I've been extremely busy working 2.5 jobs. It seems I've now become a part-time web/application developer. I've also been at my current day job (provo city) for over a year. For those who know me, this is an accomplishment, as we've been very transient as of late. Just 29 more and I can retire :)
Til later.